They worked through the afternoon, time seeping in a slow drip and the heavy air wrapping itself around the benches, spliced through with the electric jolts of the power tools. The sun slanted low in the sky as they cleaned up their tools and wiped down their benches. It would be a lovely sight, she thought, if things were different.
Before she headed for the dingy white bus, she slipped the sharpened sliver inside her sleeve. Aboard, she sat down near the front, staring at the sun through the window. The older woman’s hand on her wrist jolted her.
OMG! Was she going to kill herself or someone else?
I think a revolution’s coming, isn’t it?
Beautifully descriptive story and a tantalizing ending.
Hum… good ending! Good story!
Love the feel of the first para. Hope the older woman helps.
This is a good description of the mind of a troubled person, but help seems to be there also.
I like your descriptions in the first paragraph. Of course I have no idea what’s going to happen or, for that matter, what’s gone before. It has a feel of a prison work-release program but that could be completely off.
Dear Christi,
I’d say she has a plan and it’s not a good one. Perhaps the older woman will be her guardian angel in this case. Well written prose.
Nothing good comes of a shiv hidden in a sleeve – I love how we don’t get to know what happens next….
Well written! I took it to mean that she is a prisoner working off camp site. I hope the older woman is her salvation. Good Job!
Love the story! How wicked of you though, ending with a cliffhanger 😀 I want to know more!